Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation Question: 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience through a variety of different ways. 
Through social media where we made a Twitter page. Our target audience (13-19 year olds) are big social media users especially with Twitter which has generally more popular than Facebook. So it was useful for us to have a Twitter page as nearly everyone is using it and our audience can view the latest on our film Vamp.

There was an exclusive screening for the students and this was useful because it helped attract more viewers because they make up most of our target audience and through this they could spread the word to others.

Rough Cut Feedback
The feedback we got from our rough cut helped us a great deal. This is because it helped us understand what we needed to do to improve our preview. We cut off a few of our establishing shots so that it wasn't dragging. We also had to cut off our handheld camera shot because it didn't go with our scene.

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